Sunday, September 6, 2015


During my freshman year, I joined an RSO, NBMBAA (NATIONAL BLACK MBA ASSOCIATION. The organization was established to help minority student who are interested in getting an MBA one day with anything they will need before they even graduate. The members of the organization also get to participate in the nation wide annual NBMBAA conference. The sole purpose of these conference to help students network and get to know minorities from all walks of life who want to purse the same thing. The organization here at this university has a graduate and an undergraduate chapter, usually these 2 chapters work separately and do no interact what so ever unless we have joined event. This is because, the undergrad chapter has a different curriculum/pace it follows however due to the decline in membership in the undergrad chapter.
This changed was in discussion before I because an Illini, the beginning of my sophomore year is when the organizations actually merged in hopes of saving the NBMBAA chapter here and still be able to receive sponsorship and financial support. The association provides the chapter here funds to be able to get food for every general assembly meeting and also funds for these specific conferences. The merging of the two organization was a turning point in the history of the chapter on the u of I campus. The graduate chapter helped better prepare the students.
The organization merging caused most undergrad student to be more serious, because they are not being lead by a mate but rather an older person who has being through what the students are aspiring to do one day. The structure of the chapters changed completely because now both chapters have to ensure that the undergrad students are gaining every knowledge and skill needed and also the grad students are not being bored with things they have seen or dealt with for some time.  The graduate students embraced the undergraduate students; some graduate students took some mentees from the undergrad chapter. The change in the dynamics of the organization helped the organization for the better because the meeting were more organized, students get to network with people they would have been gotten the chance to meet, students are also gaining various career opportunities with the grad chapter members.
For as long as the 2 chapters merged, the Illinois chapter of NBMBAA has improved tremendously, students have expressed their satisfaction with the way the new chapter is operating. Former member who left the group because they seem to not be gaining anything from the org have heard about the new improvements and changed made and have rejoined. The idea of merging the organizations before seemed like it would cause problems and a lot of inconveniences for both the grad and undergrad students. This turned out to be the best decision and should have been done years ago.

1 comment:

  1. On the substance of what you wrote, you spent most of the time talking about the separate organizations and then the merged one, but you didn't talk about your own experiences much at all. What does getting prepared to become an MBA mean? If you took that as an organizing question, you could then answer it general and for you specifically. Where were you well prepared already? What deficiencies did you have that you had to alleviate? And now, somewhat later and having gone through the experience, do you still want to become an MBA? The answers to those questions would make this a more interesting essay on the substance.

    Another matter you might have elaborate on is the funding. I gathered from what you said that the national organization has revenues that it then distributes to local chapters. If that is correct, it would be good to explain the source of those revenues. You didn't have to pay dues to join, or did you? I hope that's not the source of the revenues as it would seem to be self-defeating.

    I said in class that I would criticize grammar and the like, but I encourage you in future posts to proofread what you've written and get rid of the small errors that detract from the writing. As just one example, right after you first write NBMBAA there is a left parenthesis, but there is no associated right parenthesis thereafter. Distractors of that sort can make the reader less disposed to your ideas, so you'd like to eliminate them if you can. Proofreading is not fun, but it is necessary.
