Saturday, October 17, 2015

post grad

I am currently majoring in Economics and Communication, I choose these majors because of my interesting in communications and economics because I believe I will be at an advantage when it comes time to find a job. My ultimate goal to get an MBA so I believe economics is a great background to have. My oldest sibling was an economics major with a mathematics minor from the UIC and got a job with JP Morgan Chase. She became one of my main motivations to become an econ major because I believe I could follow in her foot step. I learned from my sister the importance of having a good GPA and good work experiences. The reason behind having a great GPA is to be given the opportunity to even be considered for a position. Without that great GPA it becomes hard for one to be given an opportunity to prove themselves.

            So far my GPA is not as great as it needs to be, that is one thing hindering me from applying for jobs because I believe the employee is going to have a lot of strong competitors. I believe without a doubt I would be a great candidate for any position because of my experiences, without a good GPA though, I am unable to prove myself. My last 2 semesters on campus have been geared towards getting excellent grades so I can be able to bring my GPA to where it needs to be. My biggest fear is graduating college and being ideal, that would be a very devastating situation. I also come from a family for people who graduate college with job offers so I cannot let my parents down and go back home idea, they have greater expectations for me. I believe it is my responsibility to make sure I have the GPA required regardless of what situation might be taking place in my life. I have failed at making that happen but luckily I have 2 more semesters to do better. 

Friday, October 2, 2015


The concept of distributing illinibucks to each student on the University of Illinois campus will drastically change the dynamics of how affairs are handled on campus. Depending on the value put on these illinibucks, it could either make the lives of students on campus efficient or inefficient; students will decide exactly what to use their illinibucks for. In every students award letter on campus, there are different categories such as tuition, room & board (if applicable), health insurances, bus service, others, etc.; and there different categories have their respective costs. The idea of ilinibucks can help students opt out of some of these categories; students will begin to use it for what they want instead of certain fixed cost they could not opt out of initially.
If the university of Illinois decide to implement these illinibucks, students would be able to use it for Mckinley visits, the career center, Krannert Art Musuem, Advising, Counseling, SORF, the gym, etc. Students will decide on what to use their illinibucks for based on their needs. It will give students some kind of independence. Additionally, the idea of illinibucks will give students the ability to surpass students in certain areas be it academically or socially. If the administered price for illinibucks is high, the demand for illinibucks will be high because student will use it for only important things. The university gets to control how the “market” is functioning because they set these prices high for a reason. The idea of illinibucks will be more efficient because the illinibucks is of a very important value. However it can cause some unfair situations because students will go to extremes to get the right amount of illinibucks. Students will start buying illinibucks with their money if need be. If the price is set low, the idea of the illinibucks will be very inefficient, students might use illinibucks practically anything on campus.
I would use my illinibucks for a meal plan, books, the career center, the gym, advisor visits, getting into events, etc. The price has to be set at the right price for this to be possible though, if not problems will arise. The university has to thoroughly think this idea through, the different activities on campus have to cost a reasonable price but the fix price of the illinibucks has to be reasonable. I am not in support of the illinibucks for the Illinois campus just yet. I believe before we ever think about adopting this system, the university should observe how well the system has worked on very large universities first.